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Rules for Students

  • Students are advised not to bring any valuable articles to school
  • Any damage caused must be paid for, at the discretion of the Principal
  • Students are responsible for their own belongings
  • Any breach of discipline, above all disrespect and disobedience to any staff will be treated seriously
  • Regular late coming, frequent absence, negligence in uniform and carelessness in studies, will be viewed seriously
  • Handbook must be brought to the school everyday
  • Physical intimidation with classmates or schoolmates will be viewed seriously
  • Students must bring spoon, napkins, hand towel, and use the same to befit good table manners
  • Students must take active part in all the co-curricular activities and games
  • Students must converse only in English
  • Boys must come in proper short haircut, girls with long hair must double-plait using black ribbons
  • Students are prohibited from eating or chewing any eatables during class hours
  • Nails should be cleaned and well-maintained.
  • Students must avoid spilling and wasting food

Highly Educated, Talented teachers with proven record with latest technologies.