True character encompasses the capacity of self - discipline. Character creates self-respect which in turn leads to self-esteem.
Education is the most important investment in field of future development. Ramachandraa Public School emphasizes interactive learning and provide conducive learning environment.
The school is committed towards the mission and vision and we work to achieve the goal through advanced infrastructure, devoted team of administrators, teaching, Non-teaching and admin staff.
We empower students to take ownership and responsibility for their present and future learning by developing their academic, interpersonal, intrapersonal and technological skills. The school supports a learning environment that continuously motivates all individuals to excel. It creates and maintains meaningful relationships among students, families, teachers and staff. Our school promotes a school community that appreciates the value of students, families, Friends and cultures.
We believe that every child is the manifestation of God's creativity and brilliance. Teachers, the second parents of students, have the charisma to influence and mould the minds of students. They are capable of installing love for learning in children and make the children alert to inculcate the guest for wisdom. Teachers promote confidence; inject optimism in the nerves of children and develop the inner talents in children.
Education is a lifelong process that enlightens the mind. Man is a social being,he learns from nature, parents, teachers and even from people with whom he mingles. Knowledge he acquires should be shared with his fellow beings . The sun shines and acts as a catalyst for the growth of our environment . Like wise, each student is a catalystic agent for the growth of the society. When he fulfills his social commitment, he shine like the sun to illuminate the whole world and becomes a persona grata.
Henece let's learn, share with others and shine ourselves and make others shine.